Friday, December 9, 2011

Today I have read in number cahpter 11  just as the Isaerlites complain to each other insead of tladking to God we today do the smaething. When all we have to do is just talk to God and he will give us the answer to our needs but most of the time it is our wants that we asked for  and if we do this with a sinfull attuded then ther will bfe concquewt to this.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This week.

  This week ahas being one of the best and worst weeks that I have had in a while.  1 I thought I was going to have  the time  on my check next week to  hacve some  xrta money but then just because to other person didn't get to work in time at another clint  I have to give up my ex time.  I don't think that is fear and I will not voullantary again.  now it is the weekend an I am stuck at my mother and laws house with realy nothing to do. fun fun05 08 11 tulip 1