Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb 13 20012

I got the kids up and give baths Terrie helped this moring.  I then started on boolmarks  for the basket  for easter this year and washclothes for ealderly.  James called right before the bus got here but I was already up and had the boys ready with  Terrie's help.  I am goin to work thismorning and then I will be at home again just like I was allthese sunday.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Working on aphgain

Today has being one of those day that I just want to go back to bed and start all over again.  James called  just to make sure i was up before he even got here this moring and then the kids have being getting on my last nerve.  I then went to work and then when ( came home James and Terrie was cleaning herroom but as soon as I got here I was put to work helping them.  But when it comes to our room no one wants to help me clean it butthey dont mind messing it up.I then got to stay home and watch the two boys why they wint and spent money that is really mine but I can't say anything becuse if I do oh gets mad and blow up.  Next year this is not going to happen I will not let them put the money on my card and he can carry the kids and let her get themoney  that is his and then my money will be mine to do what i wanft to do with it,  I am tired tonight and I am sitting here wondering what to do to get this feeling out of my mind.  Dad i sick and light headed.  James is at wdork and everyone else is in bed and I am up  by myself again.