Thursday, March 19, 2009


  1. Apply 1 (mini lesson)
    From reading Joshua 1 - 3
    Quick Questions:
    1. How could Joshua make sure of being successful in the Promised Land? 1:5-9(1)strong and of good courages 2keep God's laws constanily read and study the book of the law. (for us God's word)
    2. What did you learn about the woman who hid the spies that Joshua sent into the city of Jericho?she trued God'smen What was her name and what did she do?Rahab,she was a harlet Why did she do it? She had faith in God From Chapter 2
    3. What miracle would God perform as the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land that would show them that He was with Joshua just like He had been with their former leader Moses? 3:7;12-17 The water of thfe jordon parted and they walked on dry land just as when God parted the red sea back in Moses time.
    Apply 1:
    Why is it possible to face
    the unknown future without fear?With God we have nothing to fear and we are free thur the grace of God and his love for us.

    Read & comment on: God will always be with us if we will do as he ased us to.
    Joshua 1:5 -

    Compare and comment on:
    Matthew 28:20 - Jesus is reafroming God's proimes to be with us always even when no one else can be with.
    Hebrews 13:5-6 - Man has no power over us only what we let them have . It is the same with satan we are the ones that give him the power over us. God will always be there for us all we have to do is call on him in thme ofneed and he will be there.
    How can you apply this to your life? ...

    Your summary of all of today's lesson: I need to depend mor on God and him word then on man and myself.
    Read Joshua 1 -- 3 - click for passage

    Your prayer for today:

    The purpose of the Apply 1 mini lesson is .....
    to help you focus on at least "one" thing that you can apply to your life from the chapters read today. It would be great to take the time to look up the verses and answers the short survey each day. I think this will be a great guide to helping you journal your thoughts. Usually once you begin to open up on a subject, more things come to your mind to say or pray about.

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