Monday, October 29, 2012

daily jounal

9/19/12 daily jounal This moring I got up at 6:15 got the kids up for school, then I folded clothes in the dryer. I am reading frome Numbers 24 today in the bible and then goig to work.

Oct 28 2012
 I went to church and then came home for  a little while.  
I then went to work for about 2 hrs.   Stopped by Jake's and Hassie to check  on them .  Came home and got on the compurtor and  then did bible lesson Deurtonomy  15 today.  daily dev was Psalm 82 .  Will start supper in jus a little while and then  go into my room and study  some of sunday school lesson ans ps. tonight.  Then take a showere and go to bed.

Oct 29 2012
I went to work this moring and then  we went  to  her dr app.  after I got home  I started My  bible lesson for chapters 17-19 of Deurtonomy .  Cooled  the veggies for supper and then  the boys went to bed and Terrie  was already asleep.  James went to work and so I am here watch  wrestling by my self in peace and quite.

Oct 30 2012
Went to work today had a great moring.  Picked up check cashed it and then went to store.  Came home and got online  did facebook and  now  at 4:40 starting lessn 19-20 of Deuteronomy.

PhotobucketTodsay I have  to my self  going to enjoy it,

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