Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Proverbs 3:5-6 passages for today proverbs 3:1-8 Oct 3 2012 Trust This is another verse with a command; "trust in God not our self understanding" and a proimes "He will make your paths stright. Trust is such a lovely word in a world thoroughly self-indulged and complocated. Ot os queit simple it represents freedom. rest and letting go. A hymm that comes to mind is" tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word... just so RESTupon his promise..." most of us are too busy and noisy to hear the "still small voice" To idenitify it. to trust in the power above. our human striving. We seem to busy with our daily lives to have time to listen to that still small vioce I wonder if sometimes God is to tired to listen to our complaining a whining all the time. Just like a father or mother sometimes God would like us to say thankyou for wait ykou have alresy giveng me thank you for being my friend and Father. I know that I don't thank him enght for what all he has done for me.

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